11 Oktober 2010


Date Released : 16 July 1999
Quality : BRRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0120663
Starring : Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Madison Eginton
Genre : Drama | Mystery | Thriller

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Kisah drama ini ceritanya berawal dari seorang dokter bernama Dr. William 'Bill' Harford (Tom Cruise) dimana ia memiliki seorang istri bernama Alice Harford (Nicole Kidman). Namun entah kenapa, sang istri ini malahan telah berfantasi bercinta dengan pria lain.

Hal ini membuat pasangan suami istri tersebut sedang diuji kesetiaan pada pasangan. Namun sayangnya, Dr. William 'Bill' Harford juga terpengaruh bercinta dengan wanita lain, terlebih saat ia berkunjung ke sebuah klub malam.

Di klub malam itu ia pun bertemu Nick Nightingale (Todd Field), hal ini malahan membuat Dr. William 'Bill' Harford menjadi kelbih kacau sebab Nick memperkenalkan perkumpulan rahasia yang menganut sex bebas.

Akhirnya keterlibatan Dr. William 'Bill' Harford ini pun membuat hidup rumah tangga dan karirnya menjadi hancur.

R E V I E W [English]

The story of this drama is the story originated from a doctor named Dr. William 'Bill' Harford (Tom Cruise) where he had a wife named Alice Harford (Nicole Kidman). Yet somehow, the wife is in fact already fantasize having sex with another man.

This makes the couple husband and wife are being tested for fidelity to the couple. But unfortunately, Dr. William 'Bill' Harford also affected making love with another woman, especially during his visit to a nightclub.

At the club that night she met Nick Nightingale (Todd Field), it even makes Dr. William 'Bill' Harford became chaotic because Nick kelbih introduce secret society that embraces free sex.

Finally, the involvement of Dr. William 'Bill' Harford is also making life and career households become destroyed.