11 Oktober 2010


Date Released : 26 February 2010
Quality : BRRip.720p
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1082577
Starring : Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Cory Fernandez
Genre : Action | Comedy | Crime
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Untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan memang diperlukan tekad yang kuat namun bila tekad itu lantas membawa kita pada masalah yang jauh lebih rumit tiba saatnya tekad tadi diuji. Masalah yang sama dihadapi oleh Jimmy (Bruce Willis) dan Paul (Tracy Morgan), dua polisi yang sudah mendekati masa pensiun mereka.

Awalnya, kartu baseball milik Jimmy hilang dicuri orang padahal Jimmy punya rencana khusus untuk kartu koleksinya ini. Jimmy berencana menjual kartu baseball langka itu untuk biaya pernikahan putrinya. Jimmy tak punya tabungan lagi dan kartu baseball itu adalah satu-satunya harapan buatnya.

Jimmy bertekad menangani sendiri kasus pencurian ini namun Paul memaksa untuk ikut. Paul sendiri sebenarnya punya masalah pribadi dengan istrinya namun sebagai partner kerja, Paul tak mau meninggalkan Jimmy begitu saja.

Di tengah penyelidikan, baru Jimmy dan Paul sadar kalau kartu baseball yang hilang itu sekarang berada di tangan kepala gangster yang terobsesi mengumpulkan barang-barang langka seperti kartu baseball milik Jimmy. Dan tibalah saatnya tekad Jimmy dan Paul menghadapi ujian berat.

Dari sepotong sinopsis itu saja bisa diduga kalau film berjudul COP OUT ini dimaksudkan sebagai film komedi yang mengeksploitasi kekonyolan yang terjadi di antara dua orang partner kerja yang saling bertolak belakang. Tema yang sama sempat populer di tahun 1980-an dengan munculnya film-film seperti 48 HOURS atau LETHAL WEAPON. Saat itu tema seperti ini memang bisa memancing tawa para penonton, tapi untuk sekarang humor seperti ini sepertinya sudah mulai basi.

Mungkin kesalahan utama film ini adalah pada naskahnya. Selama ini Kevin Smith, sang sutradara, biasanya mengerjakan film berdasarkan naskah yang ia tulis sendiri namun kali ini ia harus mempercayakannya pada Mark Cullen dan Robb Cullen. Bisa jadi naskah itu memang lucu namun saat divisualisasikan unsur humor itu hilang. Kasus serupa sering terjadi, terutama jika sang sutradara tak bisa melihat sisi lucu dari naskah itu secara visual.

R E V I E W [English]

To get what we want is a strong determination is needed but if the determination was then brings us to a much more complicated problem comes time determination was tested. The same problem faced by Jimmy (Bruce Willis) and Paul (Tracy Morgan), two cops who are approaching their retirement.

Initially, baseball cards stolen property missing Jimmy when Jimmy had a special plan for this collection card. Jimmy plans to sell a rare baseball card for his daughter's wedding expenses. Jimmy had no savings anymore and baseball cards are the only hope for him.

Jimmy was determined to handle their own cases of theft, but Paul was forced to participate. Paul actually had a personal problem with his wife but as a work partner, Paul did not want to leave just Jimmy.

In the midst of the investigation, the new Jimmy and Paul realized that the missing baseball cards now in the hands of an obsessed head gangsters collect rare items such as Jimmy's baseball card. And it was time Jimmy and Paul's determination to face tough test.

From a synopsis that's to be expected if a movie called COP OUT is intended as a comedy film which exploits the silliness that occurred between two partners who work opposite each other. The same theme was popular in the 1980s with the advent of films like 48 Hours or Lethal Weapon. It was a theme like this could indeed provoke laughter of the audience, but for now this kind of humor seems to have started stale.

Perhaps the main fault of this movie is the script. So far, Kevin Smith, the director, usually working on a movie based on the script he wrote himself, but this time he had to rely on Mark Cullen and Robb Cullen. It may be that the script was funny but when visualized elements of humor was lost. Similar cases often occur, particularly if the director could not see the funny side of the text visually.