14 Oktober 2010


Get html code
To use this online user service just copy the HTML code below into your website and
replace "CHANGE_TO_YOUR_DOMAIN" with the page the script will be used on.
(Ex. www.yourdomain.com/index.html)
The text ad is what keeps this service free so don't remove it.
If you remove the ad link we will disable your service and you will not be welcome here anymore.

If you are using frames you have to enter the destination url or the script will not work

You are not allowed to modify the code unless the section with "CHANGE_TO_YOUR_DOMAIN"
You can move the ad text to another place on the page if that suit you better. (It has to be on the same page as the script).
Every time you refresh the page you will se another text ad, choose the one that match your site.

This is the only thing you have to do, to use our online user script.